As we work through these challenging times, Think is taking actions to protect the health and safety of our patients and employees. With that in mind, please review the following information:
Think is following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, and the Douglas County Health Department. Our procedures and process are updated as new information is available from these sources. Please look for additional emails from us as conditions change.
Building Precautions
Our physicians and all healthcare workers continue to exercise precautions for infection control. All hard surfaces are being cleaned between each patient, and every individual that comes into the Think building is screened for viral illness including cold, flu, and COVID-19. If there is a concern for a viral infection, individuals are placed in dedicated rooms away from the rest of the patients. When you have a confirmed appointment with your provider at Think, if you have a mask available, please wear it when you come in as we have a limited supply. Please restrict bringing visitors with you into the building and rooms if they are not essential to your visit. Please distance yourself from others in the waiting areas.
Care Precautions
All providers are evaluating upcoming appointments to protect our most vulnerable patients. If your healthcare team feels that your visit is not essential at this time, you may be asked to reschedule for a time when this pandemic has passed. If an appointment is necessary, we have asked providers to use their early morning appointments for our higher-risk patients who do not have viral symptoms. This is similar to the select shopping times the grocery stores have adopted.
Telemedicine Services
Think is able to provide Telehealth appointments with your medical team on a Smart phone or computer. Please call your doctor’s care team to schedule a visit.
Phone Visits
If you are unable to come in to the Think building, and do not have a Smart phone, a telephone call can be scheduled with your care team.
Patient Self-Care
Continue to distance yourself from others, but please stay in touch with loved ones and friends by phone and computer. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds under running water. Cough into your sleeve or the crook of your arm. Clean surfaces with disinfectants on a regular basis.
If You Have Viral Symptoms…
If you are younger than 65 without chronic disease and have a fever, cough, or sore throat, the first line of treatment is rest, fluids, and Acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) as needed.
If you are over 65, have a compromised immune system, live in a long-term care facility, or have been diagnosed with diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, or chronic kidney disease, please call 402-506-9000 to make an appointment.
If you are taking care of yourself at home and your symptoms become worse, please call Think at 402-506-9000. If a caregiver feels that you need to be seen, we will ask you to give us your cell phone number so we have the most direct way to contact you in the parking lot and while in the building. When you arrive at Think, someone wearing protective gear will meet you in the parking lot, apply a mask to you, and escort you to an isolation room which are thoroughly sanitized between patients.
If you experience shortness of breath, chest pain, or confusion, please call 911.
The Think Pharmacy
Think’s pharmacy is open 7AM-9PM Monday through Friday and 9AM-5PM Saturday and Sunday. You may come into the pharmacy to pick up your medications after a short screening at the entrance. If this is not feasible, we offer FREE mail and delivery of your prescriptions (with few restrictions) so you can stay home and stay safe. To inquire about these options, call the pharmacy direct at 402-506-9010.
It is extremely important that you stay on your regular medications. To make this more convenient, your pharmacy team can synchronize your medications so they can be filled and received at the same time.
Our pharmacists are happy to review your insurance benefits to ensure you get them at the best price. If you would like to speak with your doctor’s clinical pharmacy team, simply call your provider’s number, then press “option 1.”
Your safety and care are paramount to everyone at Think. We thank you for your continued loyalty and support during this unprecedented time.
James T. Canedy, MD, FACHE
Chief Executive Officer
Think Whole Person Healthcare